Maryhill North TRA

Maryhill TRA

The Maryhill Transformational Regeneration Area (TRA) covers two areas separated by the historic Maryhill Locks on the Forth & Clyde Canal; to the North and South of Maryhill Road. The focus of this consultation is the North of Maryhill Road at Gilshochill.

The aim of the TRA is to transform the area and provide a new, sustainable, mixed-tenure community which can benefit from links to the canal and River Kelvin. Transforming Communities: Glasgow (TC:G) are working in partnership with Maryhill Housing to deliver the Maryhill North TRA.

Works completed or ongoing in the area to date include:

  • 62 properties for social/mid-market rent and shared ownership at Botany Corner by Maryhill Housing.
  • 225 properties for social rent and low-cost home ownership at Maryhill Locks by Maryhill Housing and Cube Housing Association.
  • 73 properties for private sale by BIGG Regeneration.
  • A final phase for low-cost home ownership currently being marketed by City Property.
  • A self-build pilot scheme at Bantaskin Street (this will involve the creation of 6 private residential development plots for people wanting to build their own homes).

The aspiration for Maryhill North is to provide a mixed-tenure neighbourhood and a high-quality landscape; creating multi-functional and well-connected greenspaces with people and nature at the heart of the area.

Transforming Communities: Glasgow (TC:G)

In 2009, Glasgow City Council (GCC), Glasgow Housing Association (GHA) and Scottish Government entered into a new strategic partnership to take forward the delivery of 8 priority regeneration areas within the city. This partnership was established as Transforming Communities: Glasgow (TC:G) in April 2012.

TC:G is a regeneration company and registered charity which oversees the delivery of a regeneration and development programme across Glasgow's eight identified Transformational Regeneration Area’s (TRA’s). The TRA Programme represents one of the most ambitious programmes of urban renewal in the UK - with Sighthill being the largest UK regeneration project outside of London.



Red Road

East Govan & Ibrox




North Toryglen

These areas include what were some of the most deprived communities in Scotland at the time. The TRA programme aims to provide sustainable mixed tenure communities through the provision of new housing, community facilities, green space and where appropriate, commercial units.

Within each of the areas, Local Delivery Groups (LDG’s) are established, chaired by local elected members and including community representatives, officers of partner organisations and development partners. These Local Delivery Groups oversee the delivery of the programme of activity in each of the areas.

Local people have been involved at all stages throughout this regeneration process. The contributions made by each of the Local Delivery Groups to the progress of the programme of activity and the achievements made in transforming the TRA’s has been considerable.