Existing plans

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New neighbourhood park connecting to existing park and wider network of greenspace
Existing woodland retained, managed and expanded
Communal playground, seating and open space
Community Park & Woodlands
Proposed Trees
Wildflower meadow
Communal residents' space / gardens
Traffic calming measures
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You can zoom in on the image by pinching it.
You can zoom in on the image by pinching it.
Existing woodland retained, managed and expanded
Communal playground seating and open space
Community park and woodlands
New neighbourhood park connecting to existing linear park and wider green network
Proposed Trees
Wildflower Meadow
Traffic calming measures
Communal residents space / gardens
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Click the arrows or use the buttons below to view each image
Click the arrows or use the buttons below to view each image
This survey has ended. Thank you for all your responses.